Towards transportation of people with disabilities: urban two-seaterexperimental platform
Electromobility, dissabled people, two-seater platform, motor performanceAbstract
Electric vehicles (EVs) represent a crucial alternative in efforts to decrease the emissions of pollutants. Moreover, their integration with autonomous driving technologies is a critical aspect that research in this field must continue to increase. In addition, they are closely related to autonomous driving, and it is essential to maintain that relationship when conducting research in the area. This paper describes the assembly of an experimental platform similar to a two-seater electric vehicle. It specifies the main characteristics of its mechanical and electrical system and findings from an analysis of motor performance. The obtained results show that the experimental platform is a close approximation of an electric vehicle (EV) in terms of dimensions, speed, and autonomy. In conclusion, the constructed platform offers a realistic simulation of an EV within a controlled urban setting, facilitating near-real experiments on the Campus in domains like transport and mobility solutions for individuals with disabilities or in assisted navigation.
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