Towards transportation of people with disabilities: urban two-seaterexperimental platform


  • Marco-Antonio García-Montoya Department of Electronic Engineering of the Engineering Division Campus Irapuato Salamanca.of the Engineering Division Campus Irapuato Salamanca. Author
  • Jonathan Duarte-Jasso Department of Electronic Engineering of the Engineering Division Campus Irapuato Salamanca.of the Engineering Division Campus Irapuato Salamanca. Author
  • Alfredo Medina-Garcia Department of Electronic Engineering of the Engineering Division Campus Irapuato Salamanca.of the Engineering Division Campus Irapuato Salamanca. Author
  • Melanny-Julisa Ramirez-Lara Department of Electronic Engineering of the Engineering Division Campus Irapuato Salamanca.of the Engineering Division Campus Irapuato Salamanca. Author
  • Dora-Luz Almanza-Ojeda Department of Electronic Engineering of the Engineering Division Campus Irapuato Salamanca.of the Engineering Division Campus Irapuato Salamanca. Author



Electromobility, dissabled people, two-seater platform, motor performance


Electric vehicles (EVs) represent a crucial alternative in efforts to decrease the emissions of pollutants. Moreover, their integration with autonomous driving technologies is a critical aspect that research in this field must continue to increase. In addition, they are closely related to autonomous driving, and it is essential to maintain that relationship when conducting research in the area. This paper describes the assembly of an experimental platform similar to a two-seater electric vehicle. It specifies the main characteristics of its mechanical and electrical system and findings from an analysis of motor performance. The obtained results show that the experimental platform is a close approximation of an electric vehicle (EV) in terms of dimensions, speed, and autonomy. In conclusion, the constructed platform offers a realistic simulation of an EV within a controlled urban setting, facilitating near-real experiments on the Campus in domains like transport and mobility solutions for individuals with disabilities or in assisted navigation. 

Author Biographies

  • Marco-Antonio García-Montoya, Department of Electronic Engineering of the Engineering Division Campus Irapuato Salamanca.of the Engineering Division Campus Irapuato Salamanca.

    Marco Antonio García Montoya, based in Mexico, received a B. degree in Engineering in Communications and Electronics and a M. Eng. Electrical from the University of Guanajuato, Salamanca, Mexico, and the Ph.D. degree in Business Administration and Management in 2018. He is currently a Professor at the University of Guanajuato, providing experience from previous roles at the Universidad De La Salle Bajío, Kerry de México, AAM-American Axle & Manufacturing and Irizar México. With a solid skill set that includes Applied Research, Electromobility, Industrial Automation and Control, Industry 4.0, People Development and more, Marco Antonio García Montoya has graduated two Engineering students and 4 Master's students, bringing valuable knowledge to the industry and technology-based projects.

  • Jonathan Duarte-Jasso, Department of Electronic Engineering of the Engineering Division Campus Irapuato Salamanca.of the Engineering Division Campus Irapuato Salamanca.

    ber, ACM) received a B.Eng. degree in mechatronic engineering from the University of Guanajuato, Salamanca, Mexico. He is been student of Master engineering degree in electric from the University of Guanajuato, since 2022. He has 3 scientific journals and 1 JCR journal. He is interested in autonomous systems such as autonomous vehicles or drones.

  • Alfredo Medina-Garcia, Department of Electronic Engineering of the Engineering Division Campus Irapuato Salamanca.of the Engineering Division Campus Irapuato Salamanca.

    Alfredo Medina-Garcia (Member, ACM) received a B.Eng. degree in mechatronic engineering and currently studied an M.Eng. degree in electric from the University of Guanajuato, Salamanca, Mexico. He has authored one journal indexed in JCR in object detection for autonomous navigation. He has been a member of the ACM since 2023.

  • Melanny-Julisa Ramirez-Lara, Department of Electronic Engineering of the Engineering Division Campus Irapuato Salamanca.of the Engineering Division Campus Irapuato Salamanca.

    Melanny Julisa Ram´ırez-Lara (Member, ACM) received a B.Eng. degree in electrical engineer, graduated from the University of Guanajuato, Salamanca, Mexico.She is currently a Master’s student in Electrical Engineering at the University of Guanajuato, specializing in the field of instrumentation for the development of projects and research on microgrids, clean energy generation, as well as the analysis and execution of such projects at an industrial level.

  • Dora-Luz Almanza-Ojeda, Department of Electronic Engineering of the Engineering Division Campus Irapuato Salamanca.of the Engineering Division Campus Irapuato Salamanca.

    Dora Luz Almanza-Ojeda (Member, ACM) received a B.Eng. degree in electronic engineering and an M.Eng. degree in electric from the University of Guanajuato, Salamanca, Mexico, and the Ph.D. degree in informatics and embedded systems from Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France, in 2011. She has been a full-time research Professor with the Electronics Department, the University of Guanajuato, since 2015. She has graduated with two Ph. D.s, 19 master science, and twelve B.Eng. students. She has authored journals indexed in JCR in human-computer interaction, machine learning, and AI for autonomous systems. She has been a member of the IEEE since 2004 and the National System of Researchers (SNII-I) in Mexico.


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How to Cite

Towards transportation of people with disabilities: urban two-seaterexperimental platform. (2024). Smart Factory & Energy Efficiency, 1(1).

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